Shubhlaxmi Yojana Online Form|Rajshree Yojana Form PDF Download

Rajasthan state government launched a popular scheme named Rajshree shubhlakshmi yojona for the Welfare of baby girls of Rajasthan. It is also known as Rajashree scheme. This scheme is formed for reducing the child death as well as mother death and to encourage the birth of new girl babies in recent times. The scheme had been launched in Rajasthan on 1st April 2013.

Through the Rajasthan Rajshree shubhlakshmi scheme, the government will provide tehzeeb amount to the new born baby girl in government hospital or Government affiliated medical institution.har bar this fund will be provided to the parents of the new newborn baby girl after discharging from the hospital. On the other hand, every mother will get 2100 after birth.

Shubhlaxmi Yojana Online Form

After one year of baby birth and all the vaccination was completed which is mandatory for 1 year baby and rupees 2,100 will be provided to the birthday of the baby.under the third installment, Rupees 3100 amount will be provided after the five after the completion of five years the baby is born and she takes an admission in the school. The amount will be provided in the form of a cheque.

However, after completing 1 year funds will be delivered for the baby who was born after 1st April of 2014. If you want to contact your nearest government hospital, PHC, CHC or ANm, you can take the benefit of the Mukhyamantri shubh laxmi Yojana.

In other words, scheme 3rd payment of Rupees 3,100 will be provided after the 1st April 2018. Around 7,300  financial assistance will be provided under the Mukhyamantri shubh lakshmi scheme.

Rajshree Yojana Form PDF Download

लेखमुख्यमंत्री राजश्री शुभलक्ष्मी योजना 2022
 भाषा  हिंदी
लाभार्थीराज्य की लड़कियां
 उद्देश्य  बालिका प्रोत्साहन
लाभबालिका आर्थिक सहायता
संबंधित विभागमहिला एवं बाल विकास विभाग
 आधिकारिक वेबसाइटClick Here 
Online JSY, Rajshree & Shubhlaxmi Payment SystemClick Here
Rajshree Yojana Form PDF Guidelines
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Rajshree Yojana 3nd Kist Form PDF
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  Shubh Laxmi Yojna Form PDF Click Here

Shubhlaxmi Yojana Objective-

The main objective of the scheme is to promote girl education in the states and and to prevent discrimination on the basis of gender so that the girl child can get the right to showcase their skills and talent as well. On the other hand, the maximum benefit of the Rajasthan Mukhymantri Rajashree shubhlaxmi Yojana is rupees 50,000.

Under this scheme,the girl children will get the benefits till the class 12 standard.there are six states and the beneficiaries of the Chief Minister Rajashree scheme will get the amount through the six steps.

The scheme will help pregnant girls as well as to encourage registration of girl child birth.It will improve to prevent child marriage and to promote girl child birth.

Eligibility criteria:-

The Rajasthan state government will provide the amount to the bank of state beneficiaries  directly. During pregnancy, women will get Bhamashah cards so that they can check their name in the list. This card is required to get the benefit of the scheme.

Mukhyamantri Rajshreei Yojana is similar to the janani suraksha Yojana and the first two installments will be provided to all those girls who are born in government hospitals and private medical institutions.

Parents of the girl child will get the benefit consecutively two years after that if they give birth to the girl,they will not get any Benefits from the scheme accordingly. The bank account details have to be linked with a Bhamashah card so that the eligible beneficiaries will get the benefit from the scheme during pregnancy.

On the other hand, during prenatal checkup / ANC checkup, the pregnant women will have to go to the nearest anganwadi centre in the ANM /ASHA/ Anganwadi worker or Government medical institute.

Rajasthan Rajshri Yojana Apply –

मुख्यमंत्री शुभ लक्ष्मी (राजश्री योजना) की पहली और दूसरी किस्त के लिए आवेदन हेतु आवेदक को महिला सभी प्रकार दस्तावेजों के साथ आवेदन फॉर्म भरना होगा। जिसमें गर्भवती महिला प्रसव पूर्व जांच/एएनसी जांच के दौरान भामाशाह कार्ड एवं भामाशाह कार्ड से जुड़ा हुआ बैंक खाते का विवरण निकटतम आंगनबाड़ी केन्द्र पर ए.एन.एम./आशा/आंगनबाड़ी कार्यकर्ता अथवा राजकीय चिकित्सा संस्थान में जमा करना होगा। जबकि राजश्री योजना की अन्य 3, 4, 5, 6, किस्त लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन करना होगा या आप अपने स्कूल के माध्यम से आवेदन कर सकते हैं।

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