Chief Minister of Odisha has launched a new scheme named Mukhya karma tatpara Abhiyan Yojana. It is known as Mukta scheme and the purpose of the scheme is to create employment for an unorganized labour of Odisha.The state concerned authorities have emphasized the unemployed individuals in the state through the scheme.The Odisha state government has taken a new initiative named Mukhyamantri karma tatpara Abhiyan Yojana.On the other hand, the state beneficiaries will get in Tangled in storm drainage rainwater harvesting inexperienced coal and elevated sanitation.An eligible candidate can visit the official website of Orissa Coimbatore for vision and can apply for the scheme.
The main purpose of the Mukhymantri karma tatpara Abhiyan Yojana is to gain the objective of sustainable livelihood opportunities for around 4.5 lakh urban poor families.The scheme objective is to build on the relative success of the urban wage employment. Almost 114 urban local bodies will get help from this initiative.On the other hand, around rupees 100 crore have been allocated for the urban local bodies in the state so that the concerned departments are delivering temporary employment to the urban poor.
Odisha Mukhyamantri Karma Tatpar Abhiyan Yojana
Mukhyamantri Karma Tatpara Abhiyan or Mukta Yojana aims to achieve the objective of sustainable livelihood opportunities for about 4.5 lakh urban poor families. Odisha Mukta Scheme aims at building on the relative success of the Urban Wage Employment initiative that was launched in April last year during Covid-19 lockdown.According to the urban development department, more than 6,000 projects had been completed under urban wage employment initiative.In other words, almost rupees 70 crores have been spent and around 3.5 lakh workers participated to get this initiative. The concerned authorities are planning to build it a great Scheme called Mukhymantri karma tatpar Abhiyan.
Mukhyamantri Karma Tatpara Abhiyan
Scheme Name | Odisha Mukta Scheme |
Launched By | Odisha Government |
Year | 2022 |
Beneficiaries | People of State |
Objective | Youth Employment |
Category | Odisha Govt Schemes |
Odisha Mukta Scheme 2022 Special Activities:-
The following activities of the Mukhymantri karma tatpara Abhiyan Yojana are given below-
- Storm water drainage.
- Rainwater harvesting.
- Green cover increase.
- Sanitation.
- Creation of community centers.
- Peripheral development around water bodies.
The new Mukta scheme will be known as NREGA scheme for urban poor. It is mainly a state government program. This scheme authority has created a fund for its own budget.
Mukhyamantri Karma Tatpar Abhiyan Yojana Objective:-
- Under the existing and robust welfare schemes, the Odisha mukta scheme will try to make legislation, technological intervention, integrate funds, resources and coverage
- This scheme will help to reduce the livelihood vulnerabilities of the urban poor’s those who are belonging in urban areas like migrant laborers and informal workers.
- The mukta scheme will provide an economic empowerment of the informal workers as well as women informal workers in the urban areas.
- However, it will help to increase involvements of women self-help groups and slum development associations.
- This scheme is equivalent to the National rural employment guarantee scheme.
Components of the Mukhyamantri Karma Tatpar Abhiyan scheme:-
Now, we will share the following components of the urban wage employment scheme or Odisha Mukta scheme here.
Repair of storm water drains:-
- During monsoon, Odisha faces high rainfall with a short span of time. Moreover, storm water drains will prevent local flooding and it can be a big component of the program.
- On the other hand, people of the state will make systems to conserve rain water so that they can prevent flooding in urban areas.
Construction of rainwater harvesting:-
- There are many rainwater harvesting structures and it will help to conserve water and discharge groundwater sources and natural ponds and reservoirs.
Development of public parks/playground:-
- Under the Mukhymantri karma tatpara Abhiyan Yojana, the public parks and playgrounds will be constructed based on the local need and land availability. The concerned development department will build proper walking tracks, lighting,drinking water, toilet, garbage bins and plenty of greenery.
Odisha Mukta Yojana FAQ’s
What is the objective of the Mukhyamantri Karma Tatpara Abhiyan 2022?
The Mukhyamantri Karma Tatpara Abhiyan scheme’s prime objective is to provide the job opportunities to the urban poor in the Odisha State.
Is the online application form for the Odisha Muktha Yojana avaialble online on the official portal?
In this instance, there is no application form available on the official portal. We will keep you updated once there is an official announcement regarding the application/registration process.
Who are eligible for the recently announced scheme of Odisha Mukhyamantri Karma Tatpara Abhiyan 2022?
The permanent residents and the below poverty line families of the applicants are eligible for the Odisha Mukta Yojana.